Monday, March 6, 2006

Drainage Problems

Its obvious that we have drainage problems. When we go out of our apartment and down the stairs past the wall that is adjacent to where our bathroom floor must be, there is an ever-increasing damp area -which is already peeling the fresh paint they applied after the last problem we had a few weeks back.

But inside there is nothing in evidence, everything looks normal on the surface.

So last night the doorbell rang. Its always a bit of a worry when the doorbell rings without the intercom having rung first. I was relieved firstly that I had just left the bathroom after trying to deal with the upset stomach I have had for a couple of days, and secondly that Peter answered the door because this would obviously be an exchange in the Mandarin-charades language which I was too weary to be involved with.

There was quite a mob that had gathered - who they all were we had no idea. They came rushing in and straight into the bathroom - obviously expecting to find something (like when I was driving our old HZ Kingswood and a valve broke and I opened the bonnet to release the seagull I was sure must be trapped inside.)

They left with puzzled looks and confused mutterings. No doubt, though, we have not heard the end of this.

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